The Excavation Of Noah’s Ark


Finding Noah’s Ark

30km south of the peak of Mt Ararat, Turkey — a boat-shaped formation sits on the slopes of the Mt Ararat mountain range. Initial scans of the site show the pattern of lines, indicating a man made structure deep beneath the surface. The Noah’s Ark Project is working to excavate the site and bring its true origins to light.

History Of Noah’s Ark

What are we waiting for

Waiting On God’s Timing

Since his first trip to the Noah’s Ark site over 20 years ago, Ross Patterson has returned to Turkey 16 times to study the area and seek official permission to lead an excavation of the site. Until now the timing has not been right for the site to be excavated. In 2019, a breakthrough finally came and Ross was invited to partner
with TUTAP, an Ankara based organisation which works alongside the Ministry of Tourism & Culture, and with Andadolu University. TUTAP saw the excavating of the site as highly beneficial for tourism, and began the process to obtain the required permissions to begin excavation work
on the site. Finally, an excavation date was set for 2020. As the world closed
down during the coronavirus pandemic, the project will begin once it is safe to do so.

New history

Significance Of The Project

Since the discovery of the ark-shaped ruins at Ararat in the 1950s many people have wanted to excavate the site. Until, now a government authorised dig has been off limits. A Government authorised dig is the best chance we have of reviewing the evidence that buried beneath the surface is the remains of the ark.

Thanks to the combined work of the Noah’s Ark Project’s Ross Patterson, TUTAP, the Turkish government and local officials, the excavation project is set to begin.


The Excavation Process

The excavation process happens in three stages. Thorough comprehensive scans of the site will be undertaken using modern technological equipment. From these scans a specific location on the site will be chosen to start a small exploratory dig. The results of this dig will be used to fundraise to begin comprehensive excavations of the site.